Best Natural Remedies For Period Pain

Home remedies for period pain

Period pains can be the absolute worst. It’s bad enough when your period shows up when you least want it to (pool parties, beach vacays). But the cramping and aches can be an even bigger downer. If you’re the kind of gal who reaches for the first painkiller she can get her hands on when you’re on your period, you may want to rethink this. We’ve got an amazing roundup of the best natural remedies that can help with period pain. So check them out before you pop that pill.

When you’re on your period, your uterus contracts and relaxes to shed the built up uterine lining. Those contractions are what cause that dreaded period pain. Most girls experience cramping around their pelvic region, abdomen and thighs. And some of us also experience an achy back or legs, nausea and dizziness. Of course there are also some lucky ones who breeze right through their period without a care in the world, ugh. But let’s not focus on them for now.

So what can a gal do to feel better when Aunt Flo pays a visit?

These natural remedies for period pain are just what you need:

1. Apply heat

Did you know that the good ol’ hot water bottle is a super effective and natural remedy for period pain? Studies have shown that heat therapy may be as effective at treating period pain as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). And a hot water bottle is completely natural, easy to use and has zero side effects. Win-win!

So the next time you get period cramps keep a hot water bottle or heating pad handy. If you don’t have access to a heating pad or hot water bottle, a hot shower or even a hot towel can help.

2. Drink up

It’s important to stay hydrated when you’re on your period. Drinking water helps you avoid water retention. This in turn helps you avoid bloating during your period, which can be uncomfortable and painful. Try sipping on warm or hot water when you’re on your period. Hot water increases the blood flow to your skin and helps relax cramps.

Herbal drinks are also a great way to soothe period pains without any side effects. Some herbal remedies have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to relieve menstrual pain. Here’s a quick round-up of some herbal drinks we have personally tried and can vouch for:

Herbal Tea To Relieve Period Pain

This is a quick and easy tea you can brew in your pantry. You’ll probably have all the ingredients handy too! Take one teaspoon each of jeera, saunf, ajwain and whole dhania seeds in a large pan. Add one litre of water. Add in some freshly grated ginger and some fresh mint leaves. Bring everything to a boil and then let it simmer for 15 minutes. Your natural tea to banish period pain is ready! You can add some honey to taste if you like. Sip on this through the day and say ta-ta to those pesky period cramps.

Turmeric Tea

We know it sounds disgusting, but turmeric tea is a thing. And turns out it’s a pretty effective way to naturally relieve period pain. The secret apparently is curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric. Studies have shown that curcumin can significantly help to reduce menstrual pain.

To make your turmeric tea, see if you can get your hands on some fresh turmeric (amba haldi). If this isn’t available you can use organic turmeric powder. To make your tea take 1 heaped tablespoon of peeled and grated fresh turmeric. If you’re using turmeric powder, you’ll need one teaspoon. Add some fresh grated ginger, a pinch of cinnamon and some freshly ground black pepper. Add water and bring this to a boil. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes. You can add a squeeze of lime or some honey to taste. Your natural tea to get rid of period pains is ready! Honestly, we’ve tried this and it tastes alright. And it’s truly one of the best home remedies to naturally soothe menstrual cramps.

Chamomile Tea

Did you know that good old chamomile tea is great for providing natural relief for period pains? Studies have shown that chamomile tea increases urinary levels of glycine. Glycine works as a nerve relaxant and soothes muscle spasms. So the next time you’re experiencing period cramps, try a cup of chamomile tea. Even better, include chamomile tea in your diet on a regular basis. Apart from being a natural remedy for period pain it can also help you relax and sleep better.

3. Massage with pain-relief balm or essential oils

A gentle massage can be a great natural way to reduce period pain. Amrutanjan has a period pain relief roll-on called Comfy which we love. Easy to cart around and stain free, Comfy is like a deo roll-on stick that you can apply even on the go. Crafted with natural herbs, Comfy basically works like any muscle relaxant to alleviate period pain. For that matter, some of our writers also swear by Zandu Balm, Tiger Balm and even Vicks as a sure-shot way to soothe period pains! Just make sure you do a small patch first, before you try any of these balms.

Massage with essential oils is also an effective remedy to relieve period pain. Research shows that aromatherapy and massage can reduce menstrual pain. Essential oils like lavender, peppermint, rose and fennel are known to be quite effective in reducing menstrual cramps. Make sure you use any essential oil with a carrier oil like organic coconut oil or sweet almond oil. A good rule of thumb to follow is one drop of essential oil per teaspoon of carrier oil. You can make your own massage oil or get a ready-made one. Mystiq Living has a blend of essential oils in a handy roll-on pack that we like.

4. Manage your diet

There are a bunch of foods that can cause bloating and water retention and make you feel worse during your period. Avoiding these foods, or eliminating them completely, can help relieve painful periods. These foods include alcohol, carbonated drinks, caffeine, fatty and salty foods.

Instead, include foods like fruits and vegetables and stay hydrated. Also, try including some of the herbs mentioned above. You could sip on some ginger tea with a dash of lime, or a soothing cup of adrak pudina chai. A diet rich in plant based, fibrous foods can go a long way in having pain free periods. Here are some foods you should include:

  • Foods that are rich in vitamins like papaya, broccoli, brown rice and olive oil
  • Manganese rich foods that help reduce period pain like almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds
  • Foods containing iron that you lose during your period, like leafy green vegetables, fish and chicken
  • Omega-3 rich foods like flax seeds which can help reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Foods that are rich in boron like peanut butter, prunes, avocados, bananas, chick peas. Studies have shown that boron reduces the intensity and length of menstrual pain. It also helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus
  • Hydrating foods like watermelon, berries, cucumbers, lettuce, celery
  • Calcium rich foods like ragi, sesame seeds, almonds, leafy green vegetables and dairy products

5. Exercise

When you’re on your period and someone tells you to exercise you may want to smack them. And we wouldn’t blame you! But having said that, exercise is a good idea when you’re on your period. Exercise releases feel-good endorphins that can help manage period pain. Research has shown that exercise is so effective at relieving period pain that it may reduce or even eliminate the need for pain killers.

You can also try some yoga poses that are known to help reduce pain during periods. Research shows that both yoga and aerobic exercise significantly lessen pain intensity and PMS symptoms. However yoga was found to be more effective between the two. Some yoga poses that may help include:

  • Cobra pose
  • Plank pose
  • Cat-cow pose
  • Child’s pose

This video shows some simple yoga poses that you can do when you’re on your period. We’ve tried these personally and they instantly make you feel better!

We’ve used all of the above easy home remedies for period pain and found them super useful. A nutritious diet, adequate rest and regular exercise can go a long way in alleviating period pain, the natural way. Make sure you manage your stress levels too. Try a combination of the above natural remedies for period pain to see what works for you.

Of course if you have excessive pain, you may want to consult a doctor. There are several OTC medicines that are effective and can help with severe period pain. Your doctor will be the best person to advise you. Are there any home remedies to reduce period pains that have worked for you? Write to us in the comments below or hit us up on Instagram!