9 Natural Ways To Keep Your Home Cool In The Summer

Natural ways to keep your home cool in summer

Feeling hot, hot, hot? There was a time this used to be a song I liked. But of late it’s more like the theme soundtrack to my life. Run into friends in the neighborhood these days and that’s the first thing you’ll hear. “OMG the heat!” “Kitni garmi hai!” It’s no surprise considering that Mumbai experienced a record breaking heatwave in April 2024. With the sweltering heat showing no signs of letting up in the coming days, we’ve all learned to embrace the great indoors. But how do you keep your cool even indoors without that AC bill shooting through the roof and manage that carbon footprint? Here are 9 natural ways to keep your home cool all through summer:

1. Be Strategic About The Windows

Open and close your windows strategically through the day to keep the heat out and enable cross ventilation. There is usually a cool breeze early in the mornings and post sunset, so that’s when you want to open the windows. If your home has natural cross ventilation, open windows in a manner that enables the cool breeze to flow through. Keep your windows shut during the peak swelter hours, between 12PM to about 5PM. Temperatures usually drop at night, so open the windows then to let the fresh, hopefully cool, air in.

2. Draw Those Curtains To Keep Your Home Cool In The Summer

Your shades, curtains and blinds can significantly help in keeping the cool indoors. This is especially true if you have large French windows, or have a lot of natural light coming in during the day. Draw your curtains from late morning till sunset, to keep the harsh sun out and to lower the temperature indoors. Ditch the synthetic drapes and dark colours and opt for breathable fabrics. Cool cottons and linens in soothing pastels, or whites and creams are the way to go. If you have blinds or shades, go in for airy, breathable material like jute or bamboo. A good excuse to indulge in some retail therapy for the home or give your windows a summery makeover!

3. Don’t Forget The Sheets

While you’re dressing the windows, pay some attention to your bed linens as well. Now is the time to bid adieu to those satins, silks and synthetics. Cottons and linens are what you need to embrace for your summertime bedding. Like with the drapes, opt for light colours that soothe your senses and keep the heat away. Changing up the colour palette or even a mini bed linen refresh is also a great way to give your bedroom an aesthetic overhaul.

4. Bring In The Greens

Leafy greens don’t just up the aesthetics of your home, they’re also an environment friendly way to beat the heat. Plants like aloe vera, areca palm, Chinese evergreen, rubber palm and snake palm can help keep the indoors cooler. These plants have a high transpiration rate which helps humidify the air and cool the hot air coming in. They also purify the toxins in the air, keeping your home fresh.

5. Make Your Own Sea Breeze!

No the heat hasn’t addled our brains, you did read that right! This brilliant hack actually recreates a soothing sea breeze right in the comfort of your home. And all you need is a large bowl of ice. Simply position this in front of a pedestal or wall fan and voila! Now all you need is a hammock or beach chair to enjoy that misty, cool sea breeze.

6. Turn Off The Lights To Keep Your Home Cool In Summer

Light bulbs release heat when they’re on, apart from adding to your electricity bill. So when not in use, turn them off. If you use incandescent bulbs, you may also consider switching to CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) instead. Incandescent bulbs waste 90% of their energy in emitting heat, so getting rid of them will cool your home and reduce your electricity bill. Electrical appliances generate heat too, so turn them off when they’re not in use.

7. And Turn On The Exhaust Fans

The kitchen and the bathroom are two indoor spaces that can get hot and steamy when you cook or have a shower. Turning on the exhaust draws the hot air out of your home and keeps it cooler.

8. Use Water

This one is an oldie but a keeper. Dip the hems of your curtains in a bowl or bucket of water and turn the fan on. The water will slowly seep upward through the fabric, and the fan will circulate the cool air around the room. You could also spritz your curtains with some lavender scented water for a similar, perfumed effect. Another very effective, if slightly weird, hack is to pop your bedsheets in the freezer for a bit. As weird as it sounds, trust us it feels great! Spritzing water on the floor of the room you’re in is also a great way to cool things down. Just make sure nobody slips!

9. Declutter Your Home

A messy, cluttered home can make you feel hot and bothered in more ways than one. For starters, get rid of any rugs or carpets that you might have lying around. Next, bid adieu to any throws or heavy, textured cushions for the summer. A cleaner, uncluttered home feels airy and light during the hot summer days. Dark coloured clutter can absorb and radiate heat from the sun, making your home feel stuffy. Uncluttered spaces also let the air circulate more freely through your home, keeping it cool.

Finally, there’s one more thing you can do to keep your home cool in the summer. And it’s all about you! From your clothing choices to what you eat, there’s a bunch of stuff you can do to keep your cool as the mercury soars. Ditch the layers and turn to cool, easy breezy clothes in light coloured cottons and linens. Think soups, salads and sandwiches for meals versus dishes that involve slaving over the stove. Grilled recipes are a great choice too. Sip on cooling drinks like coconut water, lemonade or chaas. Have a cool shower, or apply an eau-de-cologne scented napkin to your pulse points.

Oh, and don’t forget, summer also means swimming season! So dive into the pool to stay cool while getting a great workout in as well.

Are there any tried and tested hacks you recommend to keep your home cool in the summer? Tell us in the comments below!