Benefits of Drinking Methi (Fenugreek) Water Everyday

Health benefits of drinking methi (fenugreek) seeds water everyday

Should you be drinking methi (fenugreek) water everyday? The answer is a resounding YES. In my twenties I was a little sceptical (not to mention lazy!) about gharelu nuskhe that advocated consuming nuts and seeds that had been prepped overnight. This perception changed when my father in law’s doctor actually prescribed methi water as a way to keep his sugar levels in check. The gharelu nuskha had just had a makeover and become legit medical advice! A little research swiftly revealed the many benefits of drinking methi water everyday. All excellent reasons to include this in your regular morning routine. So read on, and drink up. Methi water, naturally 🙂

Drinking methi water everyday can help with digestion

Methi contains several nutrients that help with gut health and improve digestion. It is rich in magnesium, iron and fibre, all of which promote a healthy gut. Magnesium helps the muscles in the gut relax, which promotes better digestion. The high fibre content in fenugreek can help with digestive issues such as bloating, constipation and indigestion. It also aids with better nutrient absorption. Iron rich methi seeds help maintain optimum levels of stomach acid, which in turn helps with gut health. Low stomach acid levels, due to a lack of iron, have been known to cause digestive problems.

It is great for your hair

Anyone who’s every struggled with hair loss has probably come across a methi seeds pack. One of the most effective DIY hair packs, methi seeds are known to be great for the hair. But there’s more to methi seeds than just grinding them up and slathering them all over your scalp. Research shows that consuming methi extract can help with hair growth. Drinking methi water everyday can also reduce hair fall and prevent scalp issues such as itching or dandruff.

Drinking methi water can reduce inflammation

One of the significant benefits of drinking methi water everyday is its anti-inflammatory effect. Methi is rich in antioxidants which help protect against high levels of inflammation. It contains polyphenols, called flavonoids, which have significant antioxidant properties. Flavonoids help protect cells by boosting the immune system and blocking inflammatory pathways. There is a growing body of scientific evidence that supports flavonoids’ anti-inflammatory properties. The high flavonoid content in methi, helps supress our body’s inflammatory response. Drinking methi water regularly then can help reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.

Worried about hormonal imbalance? Methi seeds to the rescue!

Hormonal imbalance may be on your mind, especially if you’re experiencing perimenopause or menopausal symptoms. Methi seeds can help regulate hormonal imbalances due to their rich phytoestrogen content. Studies have shown that fenugreek extract may help ease symptoms in menopausal women. Women experiencing hot flashes, a common menopausal symptom, found a significant reduction in hot flashes when they took fenugreek supplements. Drinking methi water has also been shown to reduce menstrual cramps.

Drinking methi water is good for your heart and may help reduce high blood pressure

Research shows that low levels of iron can put you at a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. The body needs iron to make haemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the muscles and the brain. Methi’s high iron content makes it an excellent food for heart health.

Fenugreek also supports heart health with its effect on blood pressure. Research suggests that consuming methi can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are the biggest warning signs for heart disease, making this a significant benefit.

It may help manage blood sugar levels

Just when you thought the list of drinking methi water everyday couldn’t get any more impressive, here’s another whopper. Methi improves insulin sensitivity, which makes it a great tool to manage blood sugar and prevent diabetes. Studies show that regular consumption of methi seeds in people with type 2 diabetes helps significantly lower blood sugar levels.

It is good for the brain

You heard that right, add methi seeds to your list of brain foods. Consuming methi seeds regularly can go a long way in promoting cognitive health. This is because of the anti-inflammatory properties of methi seeds and their high magnesium and iron content. These nutrients can significantly help with preventing cognitive decline.

So how exactly do you go about making and drinking methi water?

Methi is not new to Indian cooking, what with our plethora of theplas, daals and sabzis. Methi seed water is also a great way to ensure daily consumption of this wonder food. Here are a few ways you can go about making it:

  • Option 1: Clean and rinse 1-2 teaspoons of methi seeds. Soak them in a glass of water overnight. Strain and drink on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
  • Option 2: Clean and rinse 1-2 teaspoons of methi seeds. Add a glass of water and bring it to a gentle boil. Leave the seeds soaked in hot water overnight. Next morning, strain and drink on an empty stomach. You can also consume the methi seeds if you like. Using hot water improves infusion and also makes the seeds nice and soft.
  • Option 3: Clean and soak 1-2 teaspoons of methi seeds in a little bit of water overnight. You can use whole seeds or grind them to a powder. Next morning add a glass of water and bring to a boil. You can add in some tulsi leaves and ginger too. Strain, add some honey to taste if you like and enjoy your methi tea.

Are methi seeds safe to consume for everybody?

Methi seeds are generally considered safe for everyone. However if you’ve never had methi seeds, have a small amount to start with to check for allergies or adverse reactions. Also, while the benefits of drinking methi water are unparalleled, don’t get carried away and glug away cup after cup! An overdose of methi water can cause side effects like nausea or diarrhea, so stick to just one or two cups a day.

If you’re already on medication for blood pressure and blood sugar, check with your doctor before including methi seeds water in your daily diet. Large amounts of methi seeds are not recommended for pregant women either, so again, check with your doctor to be on the safe side.

So if it’s healthy hair you seek, or improved digestion, or even just general well being, soak up some methi seeds. The many benefits of drinking methi water are sure to reap health benefits that will boost your health and happiness over time.