When my 5.45AM alarm goes off every morning, the first thing my brain is hard wired to reach for is a strong cuppa tea to get through the work day. Bleary eyed and disoriented, visions of my morning cup of ginger chai start floating into my mind, spurring me on to haul myself out of bed and into the kitchen. Comforting as it may be though, starting the day with a cup of tea or even coffee isn’t the best way to start the day. On the contrary it may do more harm than good. Both tea and coffee are dehydrating and acidic in nature, and drinking them first thing in the morning can wreak havoc on your system over a period of time.
When I was younger- too young to drink tea- my parents encouraged me to sip on warm water with a splash of lemon and honey in the morning as soon as I woke up. Over the last few years, as I’ve made a concerted effort to clean up my diet and incorporate healthy practices in my day-to-day life, I’ve realized that a drink of warm or hot water is one of the best ways to begin your day. Here are 7 surprising benefits of drinking warm water in the morning:
1. Prevents Premature Ageing
Accumulation of toxins over time makes our bodies prone to premature ageing, the first signs of which can show up in our hair and skin. A drink of warm water first thing in the morning helps flush these harmful toxins out of our body and keeps us hydrated, which in turn helps keep our hair smooth and skin supple. It also helps repair skin cells and increases the production of collagen and elastin which enables better skin texture over time and delays premature ageing of the skin.
2. Relieves Nasal Congestion
Remember your grandmother’s age old advice about having plenty of warm drinks when suffering from a cold and congestion? Well, turns out granny was spot on! Nursing a steaming drink of water when you wake up can help loosen those clogged sinuses, alleviating any congestion. Drinking warm water also soothes the mucous membranes throughout the sinuses and throat, which can help with a mild cough or sore throat and a stuffy nose.
3. Relief From Menstrual Cramps
Did you know that warm water is a potent natural remedy to get rid of those pesky period pains? It improves capillary circulation and enables the stomach muscles to relax, thereby alleviating not just menstrual pain but all types of cramps. So the next time period pains are bothering you, reach out for a drink of warm H2O along with that hot water bottle!
4. Helps With Constipation
Dehydration is a common cause of constipation and a warm drink of water first thing in the morning can help relieve and prevent constipation. Warm water helps soften stool, making it easier to pass. What’s more, drinking warm water on an empty stomach every morning can help keep your bowel movements regular.
5. Helps With Weight Loss
If you’ve been trying to lose weight you may have heard that a glass of warm water in the morning can help with losing weight. This is because a glass of warm or hot water first thing in the morning increases the body temperature which in turn increases the metabolic rate. This gets the body to burn more calories through the day, giving you a head start on your weight loss journey. Warm water infused with a touch of lemon has the added advantage of helping fight against food cravings because lemons are high in pectin fibre which helps fight hunger pangs.
6. Improves Digestion
Drinking a glass of warm water in the morning is a great way to activate the digestive system. Staying hydrated in general helps with maintaining a healthy digestive system because water enables the body to eliminate waste as it moves through the stomach and digestive system. Drinking warm water is especially effective because it can help to dissolve and get rid of the food that your body may have had trouble digesting. Starting the day with a glass of warm water flushes all the remnants of food eaten the previous day from your food pipe, and helps in removing any oil and fat deposits as well.
7. Reduces Stress
A glass of warm water first thing in the morning, helps you relax and begin the day on a calm, zen note. Research has shown that drinking water can improve the body’s central nervous system activity and elevate one’s mood and brain function. Drinking warm water as soon as you wake up can help reduce anxiety levels, and evoke feelings of positivity and contentment.
If reading about these 7 amazing benefits of drinking warm water in the morning hasn’t convinced you yet, it might help to know that drinking this wonder drink has absolutely no side effects. And it couldn’t be easier to incorporate into your daily routine. So reach for that glass and make warm water a regular part of your morning routine!