Tag: everyday health

5 Winter Superfoods To Boost Children’s Immunity

Apart from all the traditional winter delicacies, did you know that there are some winter superfoods that are absolute powerhouses of nutrition? These winter superfoods are a great way to boost your children’s immunity, given the changing weather and increased pollution during this season. I’m listing a few of the winter super foods I include in my children’s diet every winter. Do try them if you haven’t already, I’m sure you and your kids will love them!

What Is The Right Way To Eat Flax Seeds?

What is the right way to eat flaxseeds? While flaxseeds are increasingly becoming popular because of their health benefits, there seems to be an equal amount of confusion about what is the best way to eat them. Raw or toasted? Whole or ground? One teaspoon a day or three? If these questions have been on your mind too, you’ve come to the right place because we have got you covered!